Friday, December 17, 2010

@lowes, 2nd Christmas party, day 1

An hour after the first deal was posted, and it seems nobody got through, the mob gets angrier. It's not the Christmas Spirt over @Lowes second facebook Christmas party. Comments are flying fast and furious and people are getting madder by the minute with the lack of communication from Lowes, purportedly suffering from server errors again, but I'm not so sure that's true. I wonder if they're just saying it to make people stay and talk, even if they are mad. After all, for every 5 mad people, there's one who's happy.
While I loved the last @Lowes fbook party, I had the time and ability to sit at the computer, which I do not have the luxury of today. Oh, well, so I miss out on a ten dollar email (which I did get last time and for which I was thankful), or spending more money on something I probably don't need, even if it is discounted. Good luck to all who have the patience and the time to sit. Lucky you, you're probably the ones who are done with their Christmas shopping!
Lowes, u need to make a Separate WALL POST if you have comments to ppl - if we don't catch it when it goes by, the comments are going so fast most ppl don't see it. If the codes are gone, WALL POST that too, as well as an approximate time for the next code so ppl can stop trying, go do what they need to do, and come back -you'll have less of an angry mob on your hands. By making people continuously sit at their computer to make sure they don't miss out on the next "big deal" is playing with the psychology of Christmas shopping and while you may think that is an effective marketing tool, I think you are creating chaos, stress, anxiety for some of the people here which I don't think is your intention. Just sayin.... better communication would help to chill the crowd (think of it as an appetizer).

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