Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I paid $13.50 for SouthPole pants at JCPenney which are $14.99 on Black Friday (the signs were going up while I was there). That's not JCP's usual 'clearance' sticker on the price tag. How'd that happen?

Target Overcharge

Target overcharged me THREE times in ONE day! Another Christmas Trick. Shoppers Beware! Especially this weekend, as it is going to be hectic and quick and it's easy to lose track of your money as well as the correct price that you're supposed to be paying. I've found with all stores, not just Target, that overcharging is typical, so I always know prior to checking out what the price of the product is, and despite who I may be holding up behind me, I try to get the cashier to go slow enough so I can see the prices of products as they're being rung up. If I didn't watch, or check my receipts if I can't see everything being rung up, I'd be overcharged by stores on a regular basis. On Monday, I purchased the Monopoly UBuild Game at Target, for which I had a manufacturer's coupon for $3.00 and a Target coupon for $5.00 (or vice-versa), which should have brought the price down to $7.00 (pre-tax), as the shelf tag said $15.00. I was charged $17.99 at the register and when I mentioned the shelf price, she said she adjusted it, but after I paid and looked at the receipt, it indicated no adjustment was given - I was charged $10.99 - seven dollars less than the so-called "real price" of $17.99, but I wasn't even credited with the entire $8.00 in coupons. So I schleped over to the service desk and I don't know who's idea it was, but I went back to look again to make sure I was right, and I took a picture of the shelf tag. However, once I returned to customer service, she decided my picture wasn't sufficient evidence and had to walk back to the toys with me to see for herself. Lo and Behold, the shelf tag was as I told her, and there were plenty of other Monopoly UBuilds in the same spot, so she couldn't claim (as she was trying to) that it was an anomaly and the game was in the wrong place, etc. She immediately removed the $15.00 shelf tag, revealing a regular price of $19.99 for the game. I was then given the $15.00 price (minus my $8 in coupons, bringing my total from $10.99 plus tax, down to $7.00 plus tax), but had I not been paying attention I would have paid $4+ dollars more than I should have. I thought I had also been overcharged for my batteries, but after literally 25 minutes of trying to purchase the Monopoly at the shelf price, I had to leave or I'd be late. I went back in the afternoon and walked around the store looking for battery displays: two shelves indicated a $7.49 price, but a third placement elsewhere in the store had a shelf tag of $7.99. So what's the real price, and how can they get away with doing this? For the second time that day, I went to the service desk for the price adjustment. It was only a .50 cent refund per battery package, and although they were happy to refund my dollar, I wasted a lot of time in Target correcting their mistakes. If this happened to you and you didn't realize it until you got home, would you return for the right price on the Monopoly game? What about the dollar (.50 per package) on the batteries? Would you just 'eat' the overcharge, figuring you'd waste more in gas and time than it was worth? Or would you return on principle, despite the low overcharge amount? Had I not noticed the game overcharge, I would have had a hard time going back later or on a different day to argue my case, as the shelf tag may have been changed by then. Nevermind the game, even if it was just the batteries, Target would have made a dollar off of me and that makes me wonder how many other people thought they were paying $7.49 for batteries, only to be charged .50 cents more. Did they even notice? and if so, how many actually went back? Are you more likely to go back for the $4.00 price adjustment, rather than the paltry one dollar overcharge? Leave your thoughts, and any of your horror stories we can share about being overcharged.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Free Venus Razor 4 US Soldiers

Follow the link below to get to Gillette's Facebook page to see their latest status update to email them at "the name and address of a couragous woman you know serving in the military and we'll send them a free Venus Embrace razor. Please send the info to and let us know who you want it to be from. We'll let them know we appreciate everything they do for us!
What a nice idea. The razors probably won't get there before Christmas, but if  you're sending a holiday care package to the same brave lady, remember to enclose shaving cream in your shipment. Go here to Gillette Venus on Facebook to send the free razor. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hasbro Toy Coupons and Rebates 2010

Hasbro has released new coupons for toys here. They include Transformers, Nerf, Remote Control Iron Man, Monopoly UBuild, Gogo Walking Pup and Baby Alive Care for Me Doll. Some may be good for after-Christmas sales as as none of them expire until 1/15/2011.
This week, you can combine the $3.00 'Monopoly U-Build' game ($14.99 on sale) coupon with the promotion at Toys R Us when you spend $35 in Hasbro games they'll give you a $10 gift card, PLUS the $3.00 mail-in-rebate they're offering here. That's TRIPLE dipping! (I just noticed they revised the rebate form to include more games and delete others here.) You should make sure your after-coupon price is $35 in order to qualify for the $10 card back. Even if you choose not to spend extra money on other games, your cost for Monopoly U Build is still only $8.99 plus tax (assuming you purchase it at the sale price this week and use the first rebate form).
There were/also are some Qpons on the back of some Kellogs cereal boxes. I had no idea until I read someone else's post and lo-and-behold, up in the massive stash we have of sale and coupon cereal, I found 2 oversize boxes (Frosted Mini Wheats and Froot Loops) we had gotten at Market Basket's grand opening which contained a coupon on the back of each box for $5.00 off a $19.99 Hasboro board game purchase. Idk if you can use both coupons in the same transaction, as the cereal box coupon clearly states 'not to be used in conjunction with any other offers.'
Make sure to take note your gift card won't be good for 6 hours until after your original purchase. Idk if this is a new policy, but it really pissed me off ! yesterday when I had my whole scenario of shopping down-pat and was forced to hold off because I couldn't automatically 'roll over' my so-called "gift" card into my next purchase. I wish I had the time to write a letter to Toys R Us because I completely hate them for making me waste my time and gas money to go back to the store to use something they term a "gift" card, but which isn't really a gift if it comes with conditions. I think it's a deceptive, unfair and arbitrary practice! Moreover it's just an excuse for them to "lead" me back to the store to spend more money. Time is on their side because chances are some people will lose out on the gift card purchase because they didn't intend to go back and they'll forget about it (expires 12/31 I think), going back won't be worth the $10, or they'll lose the darn thing in the craziness of the holiday hoopla and Toys R Us will pocket the money. It's a trick and I don't like it! Halloween is over.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

iTunes Coupon Gift Card at Apple Store

Click here to print your coupon from Early Shopping Pays for $5.00 off a special 3/$10  card pack at select stores. Coupon expires 11/13. This is a great deal because I've never seen iTunes discounted before (but I actually have never looked, so.... I could be wrong.)

Save $5 instantly